Leadership Styles of Senior High School Coordinators in Isabela City, Basilan Philippines
Decentralized school system, School supervisors, Instructional leaders, Administrative leadershipAbstract
The study was conducted to investigate the instructional and administrative leadership styles of the Senior High School Coordinators in Isabela City, Basilan Philippines. Thirty-nine (39) senior high school teachers were purposively selected from the three Senior High Schools under the Department of Education (DepEd) in Isabela City. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) was adapted for this study. All statistical results were analyzed with mean and standard deviation. The findings revealed that the coordinators practiced both the Instructional Administrative Leadership Styles “quite often”. Their overall leadership skill was rated as “good”. This leadership ability is below the expected leadership skills of the coordinators. They were more involved in instructional activities more than administrative responsibilities. Nevertheless, administrative responsibilities such as creating an orderly and task-oriented atmosphere in the school and making the school accountable internally and to stakeholders were not neglected. The study found that they did not use the student’s performance results in developing the school’s educational goals, and did not really take the initiative to discuss the problems of teachers under their supervision; lack of collaboration seemed to exist. To make the coordinators more effective under the decentralized education system in the Philippines, the senior high school leaders need to be given formal training to enhance their instructional and administrative skills. This should be a yearly capacity building program with the involvement of major stakeholders for proper accountability.
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