Competencies of Teaching-Interns: Basis for a Capacity Building Program for State Colleges and Universities
Teaching interns, Internship, Action research, Teachers’ competencyAbstract
This research investigated the competency level of teaching interns and developed a capacity building program for enhancing the competency of the interns. The study was conducted at the Sorsogon State College, Philippines. The critical action research approach was utilized for this study; it also incorporated a descriptive correlation design. Data were gathered through content analysis, observations, and standard validated questionnaires. One hundred and fifty (150) teaching interns were purposively selected from three (3) programs for this study. The overall results revealed that the competency levels of teaching interns before and after the internship were novice and needed further training. The paired samples t-test revealed a significant difference in the competency levels and hence, implies a significant increase in their level of competency after the internship. Overall, a strong positive relationship (r = .097) was found to exist between the internship and the competency level of teaching interns; consequently, an internship with a capacity building program for classroom action research is proposed for the state colleges and universities in the Philippines.
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