Driving Factors of Passenger Satisfaction Affecting Airport Service Quality: A Case of Airport for Low Cost Carriers
Airport service quality, Driving factors, Don mueang airportAbstract
Several factors have brought all Thai airports to review their service quality and passenger satisfaction due to the nation’s aspiration to become an aviation hub of ASEAN and its extension, the reliance of national revenue on travel and tourism sector amid emergence of new destinations and more vigorous stance of neighboring countries in regards to tourism promotion, and an ever more intense competition among airports that accentuates the non-aeronautic revenue streams.
Managing Airport Service Quality – ASQ is not an easy task especially as number of travelers frequenting the airports outpace the increment and renewal of airport facilities especially for airports serving mainly budget airlines (LCC) that need to turn the services rendered to a large number of passengers quickly on a limited budget. The management of the airport seeks to identify factors that drive passengers’ overall satisfaction of the airport.
This study, therefore, aims to (1) Examine service quality rated by passengers of the studied airport (2) identify factors that drive overall satisfaction of passengers, (3) Examine other factors that might improve the service quality rating, and (4) to propose guidelines for the airport to improve service quality evaluation.
A self-administration survey was conducted with 340 domestic and international passengers using composite variables with normal score distribution (z-score is lower than 3.29) and for variables using interval scales to measure was conducted during the 4th quarter of 2018. Service items were categorized into 5 categories namely (1) Venue and Ambiance, (2) Effectiveness of the Accessibility and Directions Guiding (3) Efficiency of Process, (4) Discretionary Activities, and (5) Quality of Interaction with Service Personnel. The survey results showed that (1) all service components are significantly and positively correlated with overall satisfaction of the airport. (2) The factor that drives overall satisfaction of passengers is “Interaction with Service Staff” (3) Factors that might improve the service quality rating is “venue and ambiance” service component. (4) Guidelines for the airport to improve service quality evaluation is upgrading of venue and ambiance as well as the accessibility to the airport
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