Impacts of Logistics and Supply Chain Policy on Farmers’ Well-Being


  • Patipol Homyamyen Faculty of Business Administration, Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, Thailand


Logistics, Supply chain, Farmers, Rice, Well-being, Public policy


Thailand's master plan for logistics and supply chain development for agriculture (2017-2021), initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, focuses on logistics and supply chain of agricultural sector including fruit and vegetable, rice, sugarcane, oil palm, and cassava. Suphanburi is well-known as an important farmland for rice production. Hence, this study examines the impacts of logistics and supply chain policy on the farmers’ well-being in this area. The samples of this study were 250 farmers in Suphanburi, Thailand. The data was collected using questionnaire as a research tool. This study employed multiple regression analysis (MRA) for hypothesis testing. The results indicated that strengthening the capacity of farmers’ institutions (SCFI), and improving logistics infrastructure (ILI) has positive impacts on farmers’ well-being (FWB). However, using technology and innovation (UTI), and creating value of supply chains for farmers (CVSC) had no impact on the FWB. Discussion and recommendation are discussed in this paper.


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How to Cite

Homyamyen, P. (2023). Impacts of Logistics and Supply Chain Policy on Farmers’ Well-Being. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 16(1), 71–80. retrieved from



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