

  • นางสาวปนรรฐพร คำหาญสุนทร
  • ผูชวยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.วิภารัตน์ แสงจันทร์


Website, Knowledge Based, Early Childhood Education


The objectives of this research were to 1. develop a knowledge-based website in early childhood education knowledgebase; and 2. evaluate satisfaction towards the early childhood education knowledgebase. The research procedures consisted of three phases: 1. preparation for developing the early childhood education knowledgebase, 2. designing and developing the early childhood education knowledgebase, 3. analyzing satisfaction towards the early childhood education knowledgebase. The sample groups used in the research: early childhood educators, computer and technology educators selected by purposive random sampling, early childhood teachers, internship early childhood education students selected by simple random sampling from La-or Utis Demonstration School, of Suan Dusit Rajabhat University. The research instruments were the survey questionnaire and open-ended questions. The data were analyzed by using basic statistics, frequency distribution, calculation of percentage, content analysis and average percentage, and the descriptive compilation of information. The research findings were as follows: 1. at the preparation stage of developing the knowledgebase. 1.1) the researcher obtained the topics and scope of content that were needed for the early childhood education knowledgebase. 1.2) at the developing stage of the knowledgebase, the researcher obtained the early childhood education knowledgebase consisting of nine main menus which were homepage, site map, user’s manual, contact us, corner of early childhood knowledge, research, institute of early childhood education, interesting educational websites, and chat on early childhood education knowledge. The early childhood education knowledgebase was posted on website at the URL: http://panuttapornkam. teacher.dusit.ac.th/kindergarten/ 2. at the stage of satisfaction assessment towards the early childhood education knowledgebase 2.1) in terms of topic and content of the knowledgebase, the results showed that satisfaction were at the much to the most level, with the average of 3.42 2.2) In terms of knowledgebase accessing, the result showed satisfaction was at the most level, with the average of 3.55. The website knowledge of early childhood education was a source of learning resources that can be developed efficiently.


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How to Cite

คำหาญสุนทร น., & แสงจันทร์ ผ. ด. (2019). การพัฒนาเว็บไซต์ฐานความรู้ด้านการศึกษาปฐมวัย. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 12(1). retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/sduhs/article/view/186719


