การศึกษาปัจจัยการตัดสินใจของผู้ปกครองในการส่งบุตรหลานเข้าเรียน ระดับประถมศึกษา โรงเรียนสาธิตละอออุทิศ


  • นางสาวนิจกาญจน์ นามมาลา


La-or Utis Demonstration School, Factors Affecting Parents’ Decisions, Children to Primary Education


The objectives of this research were to study and to compare the factors influencing the parents’ decisions to have their children study in the primary level at La-or Utis Demonstration School categorized by personal status. This survey research data was collected from 192 parents. The questionnaires were given to the parents and the results were analyzed using percentage, average, standard deviation of mean, t-test, and One-Way ANOVA. The research findings were as follows. 1) Most of the samples were female (69.27%), were 30-45 years old (71.88%), held a bachelor’s degree (50.52%), were business owners (33.33%), earned more than 35,000 baht per month (78.64%), and had children studying in grade 4-6 (51.56%). 2) In general, the factors influencing the parents’ decisions to have their children study in the primary level at La-or Utis Demonstration School were at a high level. Considering each aspect, the factors in these five aspects were at a high level: the academic, the school personnel, the buildings and environments, the relationship between the school and the parents, and the facilities and services respectively. The factor in the tuition fees was at a medium level. 3) The hypothesis testing showed that in general, the factors of genders, age, level of education, occupations, incomes, and the students’ levels of education did not significantly affect decision making.


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How to Cite

นามมาลา น. (2016). การศึกษาปัจจัยการตัดสินใจของผู้ปกครองในการส่งบุตรหลานเข้าเรียน ระดับประถมศึกษา โรงเรียนสาธิตละอออุทิศ. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 12(1), 57–72. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/sduhs/article/view/186715


