Operation Leveraging Guidelines for Small and Micro Community Enterprises in Lop Buri Province


  • Runjuan Prawatmuanga
  • Thanakorn Pagsab
  • Kalong Klinchanb


Small and Micro Community, Enterprises, Administration,, Community Economy


The objective of this research was to study the administration of the
community enterprises in Lopburi Province, locate problems & obstacles and find the ways to enhance the administration. Mixed method was applied where qualitative data were gathered from documents and in-depth interviews, and by means of
quantitative research through a questionnaire was developed and gathered from 400 respondents. Data analysis was conducted by analyzing percentage, means, standard deviation and one-way ANOVA test. Triangular method was applied to synthesize the information from qualitative research and to check data accuracy. The study found that the style of administration consisted of members
within the cluster; the start-up capital came from the members; the finance was in cash; the accounting was very simple; there were strict rules and regulations in human resources; the performance evaluation was conducted through observation; the production material came from both inside and outside the local community; finally, the target customers were within the community. The pros of the
administration were their indigenous knowledge and associated opportunity to receive support from the government. The cons of the administration were its marketing activities, product design, and its unstandardized structure. An obstacle was the uncertainty of support from its network. In addition, the way to enhance its ability is to apply its marketing concept to its product, increase the distribution channel, and coordinate and work with local educational institutions for continuing support. Moreover, the indigenous knowledge should come from a basis of instruction for the next generation.


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How to Cite

Prawatmuanga, R., Pagsab, T., & Klinchanb, K. (2019). Operation Leveraging Guidelines for Small and Micro Community Enterprises in Lop Buri Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 15(1), 1–9. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/sduhs/article/view/186712