University initiation and the formation of group cohesion among students: A mediating role of social identification


  • Patcharawut Supakong
  • Prapimpa Jarunratanakul


Hazing, University Initiation, Social Identification, Group Cohesion


This research examined the relationship between universities’ initiations (both constructive and destructive forms), and group cohesion among Thai university students with social identification as a mediator. Participants were undergraduate students who had experienced initiation from various universities in the Bangkok Metropolitan Area (N = 200). The results of Multiple Regression Analysis using PROCESS (Hayes, 2013) revealed that constructive-initiation-activity (CIA) had a significant positive direct effect on students’ group cohesion at p < .05. In contrast, destructive-initiation-activity (DIA) found no significant direct effect on neither social identification nor group cohesion. In addition, we found that social
identification was a significant partial mediator for the relationship between CIA and group cohesion. These findings indicated that relevant departments, as well
as senior students, should be encouraged to promote CIA within university faculty, in order to help newcomers identify themselves with the faculty. This can
subsequently lead to formation of group cohesion among students.


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How to Cite

Supakong, P., & Jarunratanakul, P. (2019). University initiation and the formation of group cohesion among students: A mediating role of social identification. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 15(1), 64–69. retrieved from



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