Developing Potential of Restaurant Entrepreneurs in Pattaya Using Process of Knowledge Management of Local Wisdom on Foods


  • Renumas Gulasirimaa
  • Nujira Rasamipiboonb
  • Suwanna Pichaiyongvongdeeb
  • Chernporn Chantrarasanamb
  • Premruetai Yambunjongc


entrepreneurs’ potential, knowledge management,, local cuisine wisdom


This research mainly aims to find guidelines for developing restaurant
entrepreneurs’ potential using knowledge management (KM) process on local food wisdom to achieve standardized restaurant businesses and enhance Pattaya local foods for tourist recognition. The mixed methodology research was adopted and data gathering was performed by sample survey, in-depth interviews, small group discussion, observation, and participatory action research led by experts and
researchers about knowledge management process for local food wisdom,
demonstrated local food cooking for entrepreneurs, participated in exchange
learning activities and experiment, accomplished the lesson learned, summarize issues and solutions. The findings revealed the guidelines recommended for
developing the potential of restaurant entrepreneurs’ potential using KM process on local food wisdom by developing: 1) team work responsible for administration and managing the KM of Pattaya local cuisine wisdom, 2) database management systems for storing bodies of all knowledge concerning Pattaya local cuisine wisdom,
networking, as well as providing users knowledge, 3) the KM process for Pattaya local cuisine wisdom to define the knowledge management practices and learning activities between entrepreneurs and stakeholders continuously, 4) learning sources for Pattaya local cuisine wisdom to organize the local cuisine wisdom sources and activity services in communities, and 5) public relations and marketing promotions for local cuisine businesses to organize the publicity campaign events to ensure that all sectors realize and value conservation and succession for Pattaya local cuisine wisdom.


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How to Cite

Gulasirimaa, R., Rasamipiboonb, N., Pichaiyongvongdeeb, S., Chantrarasanamb, C., & Yambunjongc, P. (2019). Developing Potential of Restaurant Entrepreneurs in Pattaya Using Process of Knowledge Management of Local Wisdom on Foods. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 15(1), 32–42. retrieved from



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