Dynamic Management Accounting Orientation and Firm Growth: Empirical Evidence from Food Businesses in Thailand


  • Kwanchanok Hannimitkulchai
  • Kornchai Phornlaphatrachakorn
  • Karun Pratoom


Dynamic Management Accounting Orientation, Decision-Making Success, Firm Growth


This study aims at investigating the relationship between the dynamic
management accounting orientation, which comprises five major practices, and firm
growth of food businesses in Thailand. The data were gathered from 294 food
businesses in Thailand using mail questionnaire survey, while the key informants
were accounting manager from each of the firms. The regression analyses
suggested that dynamic management accounting orientation’s dimensions consisting
of strategic positioning analysis, cost management strategy, modern performance
measurement, and market information orientation had a positive effect on firm
growth. Likewise, the results have shed light on the mediating role of decisionmaking
success and operational goal achievement. This empirical evidence could
be used as a guideline for management accounting development to enhance the
operational efficiency and growth of an organization in a constantly changing
business environment.


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How to Cite

Hannimitkulchai, K., Phornlaphatrachakorn, K., & Pratoom, K. (2019). Dynamic Management Accounting Orientation and Firm Growth: Empirical Evidence from Food Businesses in Thailand. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 15(1), 78–89. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/sduhs/article/view/186675