Pre-service Teacher’s Learning Behaviors of Thailand Qualification Framework by Using Research-based Learning


  • Puangpaka Paweenbampen


Research-based Learning, Thailand Qualification, Framework, learning behavior


The purpose of this research was two-fold: 1) to study pre-service teacher’s learning behaviors of Thailand Qualification Framework by using research-based learning, and 2) to compare pre-service teacher’s learning behaviors of Thailand Qualification Framework before and after using research-based learning. Data
collection was obtained from fourth-year students studying in Early Childhood Education; consisting of 60 students enrolled in Classroom Action Research Course in the second semester of academic year 2016. Research instruments consisted of the research-based lesson plan, learning behaviors questionnaire and learning
behaviors observation form. The data were analyzed by using Mean ( ) and
Standard Deviation (SD) while t-test for dependent was employed for the comparison of learning behaviors. The research findings were summarized as follow: 1. Before using research-based learning, the pre-service teachers had learning behaviors of Thailand Qualification Framework at a high level. 2. After using research-based learning, the pre-service teachers had learning behaviors of Thailand Qualification Framework at a highest level. 3. After using research-based learning, the pre-service teachers had learning behaviors of Thailand Qualification Framework higher than before using research-based learning at the 0.01 level of significance


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How to Cite

Paweenbampen, P. (2019). Pre-service Teacher’s Learning Behaviors of Thailand Qualification Framework by Using Research-based Learning. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 15(1), 26–31. retrieved from



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