Petitioning for the Geographical Indication (GI) Symbol Usage on “Trang Roast Pork” Manufacturing Process


  • Supawadee Nakban Nakban
  • Sawitree Nuwongsri
  • Dudsadee Sapbua
  • Thippika Thorarit
  • Sirinthip Suttapong


Geographical Indicatio, Trang Roast Pork


“Trang Roast Pork” is Trang Province’s unique product which has a special manufacturing process informed by Trang’s local wisdom. The materials or
ingredients for “Trang Roast Pork” manufacturing process are from the local areas. “Trang Roast Pork” signature characteristics are pork skins that are crackling,
golden yellow, aromatic, tasty and full flavored. Trang Province has registered “Trang Roast Pork” as a Geographical Indication Product or GI in 2005. According to Thailand’s Geographical Indication Protection Act B.E. 2546 (2003), “Trang Roast Pork” manufacturers, who have roast pork manufacturing processes and comply with the Geographical Indication Handbook, have the right to apply for the usage of the Geographical Indication (GI) symbol in order to protect the “Trang Roast Pork” producers and consumers, maintain the uniqueness and standards, add value to “Trang Roast Pork”, create consumers’ confidence and increase the trade benefits against unfair trade and competitiveness.


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How to Cite

Nakban, S. N., Nuwongsri, S., Sapbua, D., Thorarit, T., & Suttapong, S. (2019). Petitioning for the Geographical Indication (GI) Symbol Usage on “Trang Roast Pork” Manufacturing Process. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 15(1), 90–98. retrieved from



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