บทบาทของความสุขของพนักงานในการส่งผ่านอิทธิพลของรูปแบบ ของผู้นำไปยังผลการปฏิบัติงานของพนักงาน: การวิเคราะห์ด้วยโมเดลสมการโครงสร้าง


  • Assistant Professor Dr. Krisda Tanchaisak


Happiness in the workplace, Leadership Style, Performance


Happiness in the workplace has become a globally discussed issue during this
decade. Happiness is a preferred state of mind and is good for lives. Unfortunately,
empirical study relating to the phenomenon is still sparse. This research project aims to
investigate the relationship between Leadership styles and Worker’s Performance
mediated by Happiness. Leadership styles are categorized based on Blake and Mouton’s
leadership grid. Data were Collected from workers in private organizations in Bangkok’s
Central Business District. Five hundred and ninety five sets of usable questionnaire were
returned. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) statistical technique is utilized to analyze the
relationships in the model. The data analysis reveals that Happiness mediates the
relationship between Leadership Style and Worker’s Performance. Data confirm that all
relationships are mediated by Happiness. Task Management, Country Club, and Team
Management Leadership Styles do not have direct relationship with worker’s performance.
Only Impoverish Leadership Style has both direct and indirect influences on workers’
performance, however, the influence mediated by happiness is stronger. In addition,
Impoverish style has a negative influence upon happiness. Middle-of-the-Road style does
not influence happiness.


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How to Cite

Tanchaisak, A. P. D. K. (2017). บทบาทของความสุขของพนักงานในการส่งผ่านอิทธิพลของรูปแบบ ของผู้นำไปยังผลการปฏิบัติงานของพนักงาน: การวิเคราะห์ด้วยโมเดลสมการโครงสร้าง. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 13(3), 207–230. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/sduhs/article/view/186663