นวัตกรรมสังคมเพื่อการพัฒนาคุณภาพชีวิตโดยคนสองถิ่น: ชายแดนไทย-พม่า จังหวัดกาญจนบุรี


  • นายเสรี ทองมาก
  • ดร.ฉัตรวรัญช์ องคสิงห


Resistance, Social Innovation, Living Standard Improvement, Kanchanaburi


The purpose of this qualitative research was to study and model experiences of
disparity and resistance and the formation and establishment of social innovation of dual
non-citizens living along the Thai-Myanmar border in Kanchanaburi Province. This study
was grounded in the methods and concepts of phenomenology, and was based on a
review of the literature and on field research. The key informants were dual non-citizens,
representatives of civil society organizations, local government organizations, community
leaders, and other community members in the area of Sangklaburi and Tamaka District,
Kanchanaburi Province. The findings of this inquiry indicated that dual non-citizens face
disparity that was shown through oppressive, obstruction, negative attitudes, and
exclusion. These hardships also brought the key informants to new realizations and
inspired them to innovate in order to make a better life for themselves. The key
informants showed resistance in refusing to accept defeat, to allow their identities and
feelings to be suppressed, forging new identities to bring about harmony and reproducing
symbolic violence. Social Innovations were established in various activities such as a saving
group and credit, health volunteering, religious and cultural activities which became social
capital that indicated a social network, social norms, and mutual trust. Living standard
improvements has been shown satisfactorily through the feeling of being, belonging and


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How to Cite

ทองมาก น., & องคสิงห ด. (2017). นวัตกรรมสังคมเพื่อการพัฒนาคุณภาพชีวิตโดยคนสองถิ่น: ชายแดนไทย-พม่า จังหวัดกาญจนบุรี. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 13(3), 165–186. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/sduhs/article/view/186651