

  • ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.ชนะศึก นิชานนท์
  • รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร.ศิโรจน์ ผลพันธิน
  • ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.อารมณ์ อุตภาพ
  • อาจารย์พรรัก อินทามระ
  • อาจารย์ ดร.จิราพร รอดพ่วง
  • อาจารย์ประภาวรรณ สมุทรเผ่าจินดา
  • นายวิชญา ติยะพงษ์ประพันธ์


The School Based Educational Network Model, Early Childhood Education, Suan Dusit University


The model of the educational network in early childhood was developed based
on the aims to examine the educational network model in Early Childhood Education, to
give development guidelines to improve the educational network model in Early
Childhood Education, and to provide guidance for personnel development for the Faculty
of Education at Suan Dusit University. A qualitative methodology was applied by using
data synthesis, interviews, and focus group discussions among academician and related
The results revealed in three main areas:
1. The educational network model in Early Childhood Education of Suan Dusit
University was formulated since the collaboration between Suan Dusit University and the
Department of Local Administration in 2006 – 2008 based on the cooperation in Bachelor
Degree curriculum management in early childhood educational programs. The managerial
system for this program was divided in to two models, 1) the managerial model and
2) academic administration model. In the managerial model was specific for only this
program and comprised the virtual university model and virtual organizational model. The
virtual university model focused on three tools: Suan Dusit Internet Broadcasting (SDIB),
Virtual Library, and Distance Learning. While virtual organizational model focused at the
Content Management System (CMS). In terms of the academic administration model, it
was found that the School-Based Teacher Education model, Work-Based Learning model
and Tailor Made model were the most suitable for the students because they were all
also full time teachers working in the child development center. Moreover, working under
this program cultivated the early childhood educational network into three levels:
1) policy level, 2) organizational level, and 3) operational level.
2. The guidelines for the development of educational network model in Early
Childhood Education, Suan Dusit University could be divided into two structures:
management system structure and academic system structure. These two structures also
helped to improve professionalism of teachers and administrators of Department of Local

3. The personnel development guidance for the Faculty of Education members of
Suan Dusit University demonstrates that the faculty members were taught beneath this
program in two parts: 1) the faculty members received three days (20 hours) of training in
early childhood education, and 2) the faculty members can improve their teaching skills,
Knowledge, profession skills, technology-based skills, teaching media development skills
based on the local materials, and the integration of early childhood education and local


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How to Cite

นิชานนท์ ผ. ด., ผลพันธิน ร. ด., อุตภาพ ผ. ด., อินทามระ อ., รอดพ่วง อ. ด., สมุทรเผ่าจินดา อ., & ติยะพงษ์ประพันธ์ น. (2017). รูปแบบกลุ่มเครือข่ายคุรุศึกษาสาขาวิชาการศึกษาปฐมวัยของมหาวิทยาลัยสวนดุสิต. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 13(3), 117–144. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/sduhs/article/view/186639