การพัฒนาตัวแบบการส่งกำลังบำรุงทางทหารสำหรับปฏิบัติการบรรเทาภัยพิบัติ (อุทกภัย) ของกองทัพบก


  • พันตรี วีรวัฒน์ ปัญคิวจณาณ์


Model, Military Logistics, Disaster Relief Operations, Flooding, The Royal Thai Army


The research objectives are 1) to study the status and problems of the military
logistics for disaster relief operations (flooding) of The Royal Thai Army (RTA) 2) to study
the factors affecting the achievements of the military logistics for disaster relief operations
(flooding) of RTA, and 3) to develop the military logistics model for disaster relief
operations (flooding) of RTA. Using mixed research methodology, survey and qualitative
research, to progress the research. The results were 1) Mitigation activities related to the
military logistics were assisting and supporting flood victims which connected to the
national preparation strategies that determining the role of armed forces as supporter.
Problems of the military logistics for disaster relief operations (flooding) of RTA were
classified to policy and management problems. 2) Factors affecting the achievements to
the military logistics for disaster relief operations (flooding) of RTA were composed of
characteristic of policy, objective of policy, resources, possibilities of theories, characteristic
of implementation entities, and intra-interrelationship of implementation entities, and
3) The military logistics model for disaster relief operations (flooding) of RTA was
developed to resolve the obstacles from the factors affecting the achievements of the
military logistics for disaster relief operations were composed of characteristic of policy
(pilot project and improvement evaluation system), objective of policy (developing specific
key performance indicators and efficiency communication), resources (amendment
obsolete laws, policies, and regulations, developing doctrines, and managing all

equipments), possibilities of theories (developing technologies), characteristic of
implementation entities (altering structure and developing relationship with other sectors),
and intra-interrelationship of implementation entities (tightly co-ordination, de-regulation
and well public relations). Furthermore, the model were specific and tangible in response
phase that linking with other implementation models systematically.


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How to Cite

ปัญคิวจณาณ์ พ. ว. (2017). การพัฒนาตัวแบบการส่งกำลังบำรุงทางทหารสำหรับปฏิบัติการบรรเทาภัยพิบัติ (อุทกภัย) ของกองทัพบก. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 13(3), 39–60. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/sduhs/article/view/186622