เขตเศรษฐกิจพิเศษทวาย ในความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างไทย กับสาธารณรัฐแห่งสหภาพเมียนมา


  • นางสาวศศิประภา ไผ่งาม


Special Economic Zone Dawei, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar


A research was done by a qualitative research method. The researcher analyzed
information from theses, text books, articles, and electronic documents, as well as any
primary data from doing in-depth interviews with a sample population consisting of
scholars, government officers, and local groups. The main purpose of this research is to
develop an economical cooperation in a sub region between Thailand and Myanmar, to
analyze principles and guidelines for developing the Dawei economic cooperation
between Thailand and Myanmar for creating a road map on ASEAN connectivity. A physical
connectivity brought an institutional connectivity which helped to support transport cross
boarder and people-to-people concerning cultural connectivity. Development of the
Dawei Special Economic Zone is rooted in the new cooperation era of economic, political,
and societal elements between Thailand and Myanmar for the purpose to research
information and analyze the principle and guidelines on development of the Dawei
Special Economic Zone and the Relations between Thailand and Republic of The Union of
Myanmar. The result of this analytical research on the principles and guidelines on
development of the Dawei Special Economic Zone and the Relations between Thailand
and Republic of The Union of Myanmar is based on the operation of both macro and
micro cooperation on political, economic, and societal differences which cause positive
and negative effects on micro and macro levels. Moreover, the Dawei Special Economic
Zone, composed of a deep-sea port project and Dawei industrial estate feature a strategic
cooperation with the Union of Myanmar, East Asia, and West Asia. The Dawei Special
Economic Zone is useful to Thailand because the deep-sea port project and Dawei
industrial estate have potential to be the door-to-door connection of transportation of the
West of Asia to transport products to Southern Asia, Middle East, Africa, and Europe.

Furthermore, Thai investment and product base expansion by the building of the deep-sea
port and the Dawei industrial estate will improve competency and capability of Thailand
to increase participation in ASEAN Economic Community.


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How to Cite

ไผ่งาม น. (2017). เขตเศรษฐกิจพิเศษทวาย ในความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างไทย กับสาธารณรัฐแห่งสหภาพเมียนมา. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 13(3), 23–38. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/sduhs/article/view/186616