ประสิทธิผลของข้อมูลการบัญชีบริหารที่มีผลต่อความสามารถในการแข่งขัน และการทำกำไรทางธุรกิจ


  • นางสาวสุภาวดี พินิจ
  • ดร.กนกศักดิ สุขวัฒนาสินิทธิ์


Managerial Accounting Information, Competitiveness, Profitability


Nowadays, it is known as the era of globalization, free trade and the limitless effects of the state of economic competition, which tends to be more serious, whether domestic or international competition. Therefore, enterprises must prepare and adjust themselves to be able to confront any situation which may occur. Moreover, it is necessary to seek the tools or strategies for consideration of administration to enable enterprises to be successful and sustainably grow, which depends on many factors. One important factor is the accounting information system, especially the managerial accounting information. The purposes of this research was to study the effectiveness of managerial accounting information affecting
competitiveness and profitability of business. The instruments used in the study was a
questionnaire. The samples is the administrators of firms listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand amount 201 companies and MAI amount 75 companies. It was found that 1) nature of the managerial accounting information effects to the ability of competitiveness on the differentiation and the focus, 2) nature of the managerial accounting information effects to the profitability on the gross profit margin and the return on assets, 3) the managerial accounting tools effects to the ability of competitiveness on the cost leadership, 4) the managerial accounting tools effects to the profitability on the earnings before interest and tax margin and the earnings before interest tax depreciation and amortization margin.


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How to Cite

พินิจ น., & สุขวัฒนาสินิทธิ์ ด. (2019). ประสิทธิผลของข้อมูลการบัญชีบริหารที่มีผลต่อความสามารถในการแข่งขัน และการทำกำไรทางธุรกิจ. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 14(3), 20–44. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/sduhs/article/view/186608