

  • นางสาววชิราภรณ์ สุรธนะสกุล
  • ดร.ศรเนตร อารีโสภณพิเชฐ
  • ดร.อัจฉรา ไชยูปถัมภ์


Model, Community Strength, Community College


This research aimed to: 1) study and analyze the current states, problems and
obstacles as well as roles in enhancing the community strength; 2) analyze and synthesize
the concepts and elements for enhancing the strength of the domestic and international
community; and 3) to propose a model for enhancing the community strength by the
community colleges. The sample included 47 community college administrators, 4 senior
experts of community colleges, 233 persons engaged in the community colleges and 14
senior experts who assessed the suitability of the (draft) model. The results revealed the
following. 1) The concerned persons viewed that, in the overall picture, all aspects of the
current state of community strength enhancement were at the highest level, except the
aspect of village philosophers and community leaders, which was at a high level.
Obstacles and problems of management, personnel and coordination networks were
found; 3 aspects of roles were based on the targets, missions and education management.
2) The elements for enhancing the community strength were the existence of common
goals, community learning, community participation, coordination networks, community
competence, geo-social capital and community management. 3) The model for enhancing
the community strength by the community colleges comprised the principles, objectives,
elements and roles for enhancing the community strength, work principles and conditions
for success.


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How to Cite

สุรธนะสกุล น., อารีโสภณพิเชฐ ด., & ไชยูปถัมภ์ ด. (2017). รูปแบบการเสริมสร้างความเข้มแข็งของชุมชนโดยวิทยาลัยชุมชน. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 13(2), 91–112. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/sduhs/article/view/186580


