กิจการพาณิชย์ขององค์กรปกครองส่วนท้องถิ่นไปสู่การปฏิบัติ : ศึกษาจากมิติทางกฎหมายและองค์กร


  • ดร.จรินทร์ สวนแก้ว


Local Government Enterprise, Local Administrative Organization


This research aims to study the legal and organizational dimensions of a practicing of local government enterprise in practice on the legal and organizational dimension by the local administrative organization. This research was qualitative methods of collecting information such as documentary research, primary source, secondary source and interviews. The research has the following results. 1) Legal issues dimension of this study has revealed that the first problem is the stipulation of establishing commercial enterprises of the local administrative organization which operate under the central command. It therefore has no true independence in managing on its own. The second problem is the type of public service in managing commercial enterprises which is still limited and controlled by the law on establishing local administrative organizations and the Decentralization of Authority to the Local Administrative Organizations Act, B.E. 2542. 2) Organizational issues dimension, the first problem is, in general, there are not many local government enterprises, meaning, there are about 388 local administrative organizations or 51.70% that do not operate a local government enterprise. The second issue is that the type of public services that the local administrative organization manages in its local government enterprises are still the original style even after the law had been stipulated. It was found that enterprises of waterworks were the most established type of public service, totaling 169 enterprises or 22.40%. Following waterworks were markets, totaling 129 or 17.10%, and lastly were slaughterhouses at 90 or 12.00%.


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How to Cite

สวนแก้ว ด. (2019). กิจการพาณิชย์ขององค์กรปกครองส่วนท้องถิ่นไปสู่การปฏิบัติ : ศึกษาจากมิติทางกฎหมายและองค์กร. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 13(1). retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/sduhs/article/view/186572