การพัฒนารูปแบบการบริหารจัดการโรงเรียนอนุบาลเอกชน สู่ความเป็นเลิศในภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ


  • นางเพ็ญจันทร์ อุปพงษ์
  • รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร.ศักดิ์ไทย สุรกิจบวร


Administration Model, Private School, Excellence


The objectives of this study were: 1) to develop a private elementary school
administration model of excellence; 2) to examine the developed model and 3) to verify
the developed model. The study was divided into4 phases. The first phase was the
construction of the research conceptual framework from the analysis of relevant
documents and studies, an interview with experts and the study of outstanding smallsized,
medium-sized and large-sized private schools. The second phase was the model
development with the application of the Modified Delphi Technique for 3 times. The third
phase was the examination of the developed model with the empirical data. The subjects
were directors of basic education level private schools who received a “Good” and “Very
Good” level in the second assessment. The tool used in data collection was a 5-level
rating scale questionnaire. Percentage, mean and standard deviation were used in the data
analysis. The fourth phase was the model verification by an expert group composed of 8
experts. The study results could be concluded as follows.The author’s private elementary
school administration model of excellence in the North-eastern region consisted of
7 components, which were: 1) organizational leadership; 2) strategy planning; 3) a focus on
students, parents and community; 4) assessment, analysis and knowledge management;
5) a focus on human resources; 6) process management; and 7) operation outcome.
The overall suitability of the author’s private elementary school administration model of
excellence in the North-eastern region was at a high level, 4.36. The suitability of each
component could be prioritized as follows: strategy planning; organizational leadership; a
focus on human resources; process management; operation outcome; assessment,
analysis and knowledge management; and a focus on students, parents and
community.The experts agreed that the model developed by the author was suitable for


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How to Cite

อุปพงษ์ น., & สุรกิจบวร ร. ด. (2017). การพัฒนารูปแบบการบริหารจัดการโรงเรียนอนุบาลเอกชน สู่ความเป็นเลิศในภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 13(2), 43–64. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/sduhs/article/view/186564


