

  • นายธนิต แสงกระจ่าง


Sustainable Tourism Concept, Policy Recommendation For Sustainable Tourism


This thesis has three objectives: 1) to explore conditions about sustainable tourism, 2) to study the results of the development of designtaed areas for sustainable tourism according to DASTA (Designated Areas for Sustainable Tourism Administration), which is a public organization, 3) to develop policy recommendations for sustainable tourism of Thailand. The approach used in this study are policy recommendations and

a framework on the development of policy recommendations. It is found, as a result of the study, that 1) policy recommendations for sustainable tourism in Thailand can be categorized into 6 elements, 2) policy implementation of designated area for sustainable tourism is carried out by launching a ten-year master plan along with the vision defined

in the policy and there are 8 structural-oriented problems 3) 13 policy recommendations are developed from 7 key concepts in sustainable tourism and the rest is from the results of the development of designtaed areas for sustainable tourism according to DASTA (Designated Areas for Sustainable Tourism Administration).


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SDU Res. J. 13 (1): Jan-Apr 2017 The Development of Policy Recommendations for Sustainable Tourism of Thailand

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How to Cite

แสงกระจ่าง น. (2019). การพัฒนาข้อเสนอเชิงนโยบายเพื่อการท่องเที่ยวที่ยั่งยืนของประเทศไทย. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 13(1), 55–74. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/sduhs/article/view/186562