Strategy, Terrorism, Counter Terrorism, CyberAbstract
This research aims to 1) Study the cyber development that is applied as a strategic
tool of cyber terrorism in Thailand. 2) Examine terrorism characteristics that use the cyber
environment as a strategic tool of cyber terrorism in Thailand. This research mainly applied
qualitative analysis and in-depth interviews. The research targets were 2 groups of expert,
which were persons who have had roles in usage or cyber development and experts who
have specified the information technology strategies. The information was analyzed and
the cyber terrorism characteristics in Thailand were assessed. The results observed are as
follows. The cyber development is the technological development that can be connected
faster and more conveniently than before. Cyber terrorism is the implementation of
technological tools, such as mobile phones, computers or other tools that can be
connected through the internet for terrorism purposes. In addition, the internet is an
important channel for terrorism. The strategies to counter cyber terrorism in Thailand are
summarized by the acronym READ: CLIP, which comprises 8 strategies as follows.
1. Research is the strategy that promotes the cyber development research. 2. Education is
the strategy to arrange basic education for people in Thailand. 3. Awareness is the strategy
that creates cyber awareness of people. 4. Development is the strategy that improves the
cyber development. 5. Coordination is the strategy that promotes the cooperation of
government, private and public sectors. 6. Law is the strategy that specifies cyber law and
enforcement. 7. Integration is the strategy of integration to share data. 8. Perception
Preparation and Protection is the strategy to perceive, prepare and protect the cyber
environment together.
(วิทยานิพนธ์ปริญญามหาบัณฑิต). ชลบุรี: มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา.
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