การประยุกต์แนวคิดการเป็นหุ้นส่วนต่อกันและการเริ่มจากรากฐาน ในการจัดการป่าชุมชน ตำบลสะพานหิน อำเภอหนองมะโมง จังหวัดชัยนาท


  • ดร.ธวัชชัย ถาวรวัฒนยงค์
  • รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร.อุทิศ กุฏอินทร์
  • ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.พสุธา สุนทรห้าว


Partnership, Bottom-up Concept, Community of Forest Management


This research aimed to apply a partnership concept and a bottom-up concept for proposing and appropriate model of sustainable community forest management.

The model would open an opportunity for government, private and community sections to participate in each step of management. Moreover, community participation in the acknowledgement, observation and assessment processes of forest research utilization would be performed. This research was a participatory action research (PAR). Data was collected by using questionnaire from main community forest management stakeholders and professionals from related fields to assess the efficiency and efficacy of community forest management by the community participation process. This model applied a partnership concept and a bottom up concept for a community forest management of Sapanhin Sub-district, NongMamong District, Chainat Province. In addition, a Learning through action process was performed to apply results in order to improve communitybased forest and natural resources management systems. This was related to community competency and community need and includes the participation of all parties in the future. It was clearly seen from the study that after the process of community empowerment (capacity building) among community networks, the knowledge that the community gained in forest management was technically correct. Moreover, they appreciated and had protective feelings for their natural resources and community forest. The utilization of the community forest was based on the capability and production capacity of the community forest. The problem or limitation of the community to manage the community forest was the lack of promotion to encourage participation among the network to join the activities. Therefore, promotion and support of the participation processes of organizations at local level is critical.


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How to Cite

ถาวรวัฒนยงค์ ด., กุฏอินทร์ ร. ด., & สุนทรห้าว ผ. ด. (2017). การประยุกต์แนวคิดการเป็นหุ้นส่วนต่อกันและการเริ่มจากรากฐาน ในการจัดการป่าชุมชน ตำบลสะพานหิน อำเภอหนองมะโมง จังหวัดชัยนาท. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 13(1), 39–54. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/sduhs/article/view/186554