Management of Citizen Complaints at the Damrongtham Center Na Klang District Nong Bua Lamphu Province
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This research aims to achieve the following objectives 1. To investigate the management of citizen complaints at the Center for Justice Administration. 2. To compare the management level of citizen complaints at the Center for Justice Administration categorized by individual characteristics. 3. To propose improvements in the management of complaint handling at the Center for Justice Administration in Na klang District, Nong Bua Lamphu Province. The study utilizes both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The sample group consists of 138 individuals from the local community who utilized services at the Center for Justice Administration in the year 2023 (corresponding to 2566 in the Thai calendar). Data collection involved surveys and interviews. The content validity of the data ranged from 0.67 to 1.00 with a reliability of .808. Data analysis employed statistical methods such as percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and F-test.
The research findings are as follows 1. Overall, the management level of citizen complaints at the Center for Justice Administration was found to be high, 2. When comparing the management of citizen complaints at the Center for Justice Administration across different personal characteristics. There was no significant difference in opinions between respondents of different genders and ages. However, respondents with different levels of education and occupations significantly differed in their opinions regarding the management of citizen complaints at the Center for Justice Administration at a significance level of .01, 3. Recommendations for developing the management of citizen complaints at the Center for Justice Administration reveal that the Nakaung district's Center for Justice Administration should implement an online computer system and innovative service delivery and database referral systems systematically. Additionally, there should be staff designated to monitor complex service-related tasks or documents that cannot be completed immediately upon receipt. It is advisable to provide information boards detailing service reception procedures, service timelines etc.
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