The Development Speaking Skill for English Communication with Provided Simulation Learning for Grade 5 Students

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Ratiyaporn Prasertsang
Jitraporn Wongkamjan


The purpose of this research is to develop speaking skills for English communication. By management of learning using simulation situations. The target group was 8 students in Grade 5, Ban Na Kratueb School, Selaphum District, Roi Et Province. It is action research. The tools used in the research include 1) learning management plan using simulation situations. 2) Speaking skills test for English communication 3) Student behavior observation form. Statistics used to analyze data. Consists of: mean, standard deviation, percentage.

Research results. In the first cycle, 1 student passed the criteria is 12.5 percent of the total number of students. 7 students did not pass the criteria, accounting for 87.5 percent of the total number of students. In this cycle, students speak unnaturally with frequent interruption. Can't understand what's being said. In the second cycle, 3 students passed the criteria, accounting for 37.5 percent of the total number of students.  5 students did not pass the criteria, accounting for 62.5 percent of the total number of students. In this cycle, students begin to adjust. The students are enthusiastic. speak more fluently Speak a little naturally stutters sometimes. In the third cycle, 8 students passed the criteria, accounting for 100 percent of all students. In this cycle, students were enthusiastic. speak fluently, Speak quite naturally. Can speak in understandable sentences and can speak communication according to the structure of sentences.

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How to Cite
Prasertsang, R., & Wongkamjan , J. . . (2024). The Development Speaking Skill for English Communication with Provided Simulation Learning for Grade 5 Students. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 9(3), 162–174. retrieved from
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