Promoting Incentives for the Work of Teachers Under the Office of Songkhla Primary Educational Service Area office 3

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Kanokon Mueangkaew
Chanat chullasap


This research article aims to 1) to study the Promoting incentives for the work of teachers Under the Office of the Songkhla Primary Educational Service Area Office Area 3 2) To compare the Promoting incentives for the work of teachers Classified by variables: work experience, status, education level Size of educational institution and hometown 3) To study ways to Promoting incentives for the work of teachers Under the Office. The sample group is divided into 2 parts. They were 11 school administrators using an interview form and 346 teachers using a questionnaire with a confidence value of .985 The statistics used to analyze the data were the mean scores, standard deviation T test one-way analysis of variance and content analysis.

The results showed that: 1) the level of Promoting incentives for the work of teachers Under the Office of Songkhla Primary Educational Service Area office 3 overall and each aspect is at a high level. 2) Promoting incentives for the work of teachers by work experience, status, size of educational institution, and domicile, were found to be not different. They were significantly different at the .05 level and classified according to educational level. They were found to be significantly different at the .05 level. 3) Guidelines for Promoting motivation for teachers' work are Educational institution administrators can plan accordingly to meet the needs of teachers. To improve and develop teachers' work behaviors. This will result in teachers working with determination and determination. And be happy until achieving the goals set by the educational institution It is also a guideline for changing working conditions.

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How to Cite
Mueangkaew, K., & chullasap , C. . (2024). Promoting Incentives for the Work of Teachers Under the Office of Songkhla Primary Educational Service Area office 3. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 9(2), 139–157. retrieved from
Research Article



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