An application of modern media innovations to promote the development of quality of life according to Buddhist ethics that appears in Isan folk tales

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sanguan Laphonthan
Phra Baidika Narin Silatecho
Snan Prasert


         This research objectives were (1) to study Buddhist morals appearing in Isan folktales. (2) to produce and apply modern media innovation to promote the development of quality of life according to Buddhist morals appearing in Isan folktales. This research is quantitative research. There were 40 key informants for this research. The research tools were observations, in-depth interviews, focus group discussions. The data analyzed using descriptive methods.

         The results of the study found that Using the wisdom of the characters in the story of Suwannasangkumar, such as Phra Sang's mother secretly watching people clean the house and destroy the conch shells. In order for the Sangha to no longer have a place to hide, showing respect in the story of the Urangkha relics, such as Phra Maha Kassapa Thera along with 500 Arahants, brought the Urangkha relics of the Lord Buddha to be enshrined at Phu Langka so that all Buddhists and deities can pay homage, forgiveness in the story of Nang Sib Song, such as Thao Rod Sit forgiving Nang Santhamala, governance that appears in the story of Phraya Khan Khak, such as Phraya Khan Khak raising cards. The soldiers went up to fight with Phraya Than to get Phraya Than to let the rain fall according to the season. As for governance according to Buddhist principles in the story of Siaw Sawat, it is The use of wisdom and morality in the work of Thao Siewsawat, activities related to the use of intellectual reflection, i.e. How to activities (problem solving), activities related to respect for others, i.e. activities to promote the cultivation of citizenship consciousness, activities regarding Forgiveness 3 activities, such as teamwork, etc. Activities related to governance according to Buddhist principles, such as selecting MPs, etc.

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How to Cite
Laphonthan, sanguan, Phra Baidika Narin Silatecho, & Prasert, S. (2024). An application of modern media innovations to promote the development of quality of life according to Buddhist ethics that appears in Isan folk tales. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 9(1), 142–158. retrieved from
Research Article


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