The Personnel Management According to the Four Sangahavathu Dhammas of Educational institute Administratour under the Office of Loei Primary Education Area2

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Suwijak Phutthichaipanit


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the condition of personnel management of administrators of educational institutions under the Office of Loei Primary Education Service Area 2; 2) to study personnel administration according to the Four Sangahavatthu Dhammas of educational institute administrators; 3) to propose guidelines for personnel administration according to the Four Sangahavatthu Dhammas of educational institute administrators under the Office of Loei Primary Education Service Area 2. The target group of this study included educational institute administrators, teachers, and educational personnel under the Office of Loei Primary Education Service Area 2, divided into 13 educational institute administrators, 317 teachers, and educational personnel, and five key informants, a total of 335 people.
The research results were as follows:
1) The means of the overall and each studied aspect of the personnel administration of educational institute administrators under the Office of Loei Primary Education Service Area 2 were at a high level.
2) The means of the overall and each studied aspect of the personnel administration according to the Four Sangahavatthu Dhammas of educational institute administrators were at a high level.
3) The guidelines for personnel administration according to the Four Sangahavatthu Dhammas of educational institute administrators under the Office of Loei Primary Education Service Area 2 were that the administrators should sacrifice for successful personnel administration themselves and give awards to workers as the morale. The administrators should have good speaking skills in selecting personnel to work as required by educational institutions or in negotiating. For planning in recruiting human resources, they should act for the benefits of analyzing the lack of teachers and personnel in any position and requesting vacancies to replace those who will retire. They should be neutral in judging teachers and personnel for wrongdoing. There should be a standard for evaluating performance for organizational unity.

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How to Cite
Phutthichaipanit, S. ., & Phrakrupariyattikhunrangsi. (2022). The Personnel Management According to the Four Sangahavathu Dhammas of Educational institute Administratour under the Office of Loei Primary Education Area2. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 7(2), 189–198. retrieved from
Research Article



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