People’s Political Behavior in Muang District Nong Bua Lamphu Province

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PhramahaJitsaranon Jittayanamethee (Phujampee)


This research aimed to 1) Study a level of people’s political behavior in muang district nong bua lamphu province 2) Compare a level of people’s political behavior in muang district nong bua lamphu province. The sample included 400 participants obtained from 81,644 citizens with the right to vote who lived in muang district nong bua lamphu province area using random sampling. by using Taro Yamane’s sampling technique, and the key informants were 12 Sangkhatikan monks, personnel and citizens in muang district nong bua lamphu province area obtained from purposive sampling technique. Research instruments included a questionnaire and interview form. Statistical methods for data analysis included frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, t-test and f-test and data analysis used the statistical package for the social sciences. For qualitative research, data was analyzed by using contextual content analysis techniques.
Research results showed that
1) A level of people’s political behavior in muang district nong bua lamphu province was in general at a high level.
2) Regarding to comparison, it was found that, on average, different ages, education levels, occupations and monthly average incomes had different opinions towards political behavior at the statistically significant level of 0.05

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How to Cite
Jittayanamethee (Phujampee), P. (2022). People’s Political Behavior in Muang District Nong Bua Lamphu Province. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 7(2), 58–66. retrieved from
Research Article



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