Principles of Political Science in Tripitaka: Political Participation

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Phairat Phuenchomphoo




          The principles of political participation appeared in the Tripitaka, especially the Suttantapitaka were consisted of 1) political participation in terms of power in which  the prominent example is that disciple monks have engaged in governance, 2) political participation in terms of allocating state resources or something of social value in Gutathantasuttra  in which citizens were allocated funds from the Lord Maha Wichitraj, 3) political participation in terms of public policy  with  the prominent example of Maghamanop and his companions. 4) political participation in terms of conflict, and 5) political participation in terms of compromise of interests with the prominent example were the scramble for water resources in the Rohini river of the Buddha relatives and the conflict between 2 monks of  Kosampee city, and 6) political participation in terms of state and national administration with the example of the recruitment of leaders in Aggaññasutta.


Keywords: Principles of Political Science, Tripitaka, Political Participation

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How to Cite
Phuenchomphoo, P. (2022). Principles of Political Science in Tripitaka: Political Participation. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 7(1), 11–23. retrieved from
Academic Article


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