The Four Noble Truths : Buddha’s Applicable Way Fostering Self-Directed Learning

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Thanaphon Pomin
Uthai Kamolsil


Education in the digital age has changed upon the time, globalization era, in terms of both teachers and learners who rely on learning and teaching tools. The technological tools have been adjusted according to the paradigm shift based on ages, learning styles and nature of the subject so as to relate to knowledge distribution. Consequently, the ways of learning in this age have not been limited in not only the classroom, but also anytime and anywhere. As it is called “online learning” which meets the modern people’s lifestyles and learners’ various needs especially Generation Y and Z, its content and platform are flexible. Accordingly, it has built up life-long learning, self-directed learning as well as engaging learners’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills through intellectual strategy. The four noble truths are spiritually practical and applicable into everyday life, based on worthy Buddhist path consisting of suffering (Dukkha), origin of suffering (Samudāya), cessation of suffering (Nirodha) and path to the cessation of suffering (Magga).

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How to Cite
Pomin, T., & Kamolsil, U. (2022). The Four Noble Truths : Buddha’s Applicable Way Fostering Self-Directed Learning. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 7(1), 1–10. retrieved from
Academic Article


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