Visionary Leadership that Affects Management Achievement of Administrative Organizations sub-district In Bang Saphan-Noi District Prachuap Khiri Khan Province

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Chairat Tangket


Visionary leadership affects the success of every organization's management. Even Subdistrict Administrative Organizations need visionary leaders. Therefore, the researcher is interested in doing research. The objectives were to 1) study the visionary leadership of the Sub-District Administrative Organization 2) to study the achievement of the Sub-District Administrative Organization 3) the visionary leadership that affects the achievement Administrative results of the Sub-District Administrative Organization and 4) guidelines for developing visionary leadership that affect the administrative achievement of the Sub-District Administrative Organization quantitative research A sample of 117 people was used by means of () standard deviation (S.D.) and hypothesis testing. and qualitative research methods The key information providers were government officials, government officials and employees, totaling 5 using content analysis. and verifying the accuracy of Densin's triangular data.

          The results showed that

          Visionary Leadership of Subdistrict Administrative Organizations The overall picture was at a high level (X̄ = 4.07, S.D. = .60). Second on the aspect of being a good role model. Later on the dissemination of the vision and the implementation of the vision are all at a very high level.As for the achievement of the administration of the Sub-District Administrative Organization, it was at a high level (X̄ = 4.09, S.D. = .65), namely, education promotion and support. Disaster Prevention and Mitigation followed by improvement of quality of life Infrastructure Development Participation in local development and development and career promotion All are at a very high level. For the visionary leadership that affects the administrative success of the Sub-District Administrative Organization: 1) Leaders should adopt modern technology. to be used in the development of the organization that develops with traditions and traditions 2) Leaders should change their worldview to keep up with rapid changes. 3) Leaders should act according to the vision. strategy The development plan must be clear. must be consistent with the national strategy provincial strategy 4) Leaders should monitor, examine and evaluate how concrete development strategies respond to community needs; and 5) Leaders should adapt and work together as a network within the organization and community. in problem management sustainable community.

          Therefore, the development of visionary leadership that affects the administrative achievement of the Sub-District Administrative Organization. as follows: 1) Leaders should adopt modern technology. 2) Leaders should change their worldviews to keep up with rapid changes. 3) Leaders should act according to the vision. 4) Leaders should monitor, monitor and evaluate development strategies in response to community needs; and 5) Leaders should adapt and work together to form networks within the organization and community. in managing community problems in a sustainable way.

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How to Cite
Tangket, C. (2021). Visionary Leadership that Affects Management Achievement of Administrative Organizations sub-district In Bang Saphan-Noi District Prachuap Khiri Khan Province. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 6(2), 54–67. retrieved from
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