Abortion from a Buddhist Ethics Perspective Roi Et Primary Education Service Office 1

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Sampan Akeraksa


Life or existence is an essential value of all human beings. Most of those who are religious or trained in religion believe that human beings should not destroy one's life. For all people and animals love themselves, love happiness, hate suffering, fear death. Therefore, it should not destroy the lives of others because the destruction of life is cruelty pain and suffering Some people think that the mother's life should be preserved because I understand the feelings of women who have been raped and have unwanted pregnancy and to prevent the poor quality of life of the embryos that will develop into humans in the future, for example, if left to be born, will be disabled Therefore, it is imperative to destroy the fetus even when it occurs in distress. Buddhism shows five elements of killing that are considered to be successful: (1) what is to be killed is alive, is breathing. (animals and humans) (2) knowing that it is alive (3) having the intent to kill (4) attempting to kill (5) the being that dies by that effort The best solution to abortion is to address the root cause by cultivating the consciousness of having sex while not ready which causes unwanted pregnancy If beyond this point, it is necessary to judge and solve the problem at the end of the cause which is more difficult to decide and do If the destruction of the embryo occurs for any reason, Buddhism is considered a violation of the precepts. The penalty will be more or less depending on the power of the intent.

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How to Cite
Akeraksa, S. (2021). Abortion from a Buddhist Ethics Perspective: Roi Et Primary Education Service Office 1 . Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 6(1), 21–29. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/saketreview/article/view/252967
Academic Article


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