Buddhism: A barrier or development of society?

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Dacho Khanomkaew


Buddhism as a belief and practice in life, including 1) development of "society". 2) Development of "culture" or living, language, customs, traditions and morals. 3) Development of "economy" sufficiently and reducing extravagance. Recognize respect for rules and regulations and 5) the development of "education" aimed at promoting academic writing and teaching to be good people. But there is another concept that is not appreciated. And looking at Buddhism as a barrier to develop. Because 1) "lack of motivation" because people who follow the principles of Buddhism. A recluse often regarded as lacking motivation. 2) "Personality" that is seen as a sluggish person. And 3) "lack of participation" because they prefer to live quietly or "like to be separated from society", causing Buddhism to be distorted, becoming a tool to seek "fortune" instead of "spiritual support" that causes Buddhism to become Is a "hindrance" and "social development" at the same time. Because of the "thinking system" of human beings who "focus" on their own.

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How to Cite
Khanomkaew, D. (2020). Buddhism: A barrier or development of society?. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 5(1), 1–11. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/saketreview/article/view/248990
Academic Article


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