The Development of Analytical Thinking by Applying Kwl- Plus Technique and 5w1h Technique in Social Studies Subject (S 21103) for Grade 7 Students

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Sukanya Champadang


The purposes of this research were to develop of analytical thinking by applying KWL- Plus technique and 5W1H technique in social studies subject (s 21103) for grade 7 students and made the 70% students to get past in analytical score up to 70% or above. The sample groups were consisted of the 20 students in grade 7 from Yangkampittayakom School who were studying in the second semester of academic year 2560. This research was an action research. The researcher had determined the implementations of each step by using the PAOR operating cycle. The research instruments were 1) lesson plan by using learning management model with KWL- Plus technique and 5W1H technique in 9 units within 9 hours 2) the instructional activities record form 3) the situation record form 4) student interview 5) final test and 6) students’ analytical thinking test which was a check list with 4 choices in 30 items. This research had analyzed the quantitative information by using the basic statistics which found percentage, mean, standard deviation and had analyzed the qualitative information with content analysis and essay summary method.

Research finding were as follow: The result of the development of analytical thinking by applying KWL- Plus technique and 5W1H technique in social studies subject (s 21103) for grade 7 students found that there were the number of 16 students from 20 students who passed a criterion in 76.83% which was higher than the standard criterion.

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How to Cite
Champadang, S. (2020). The Development of Analytical Thinking by Applying Kwl- Plus Technique and 5w1h Technique in Social Studies Subject (S 21103) for Grade 7 Students. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 4(2), 33–41. retrieved from
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