Public participation in the administration of the leadership of the district mayor; Case study of Yasothon province

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Pornsawan sutaKan


This research is a study of public participation in administration together with the leadership of the mayor of the district; Case study of Yasothon province The objectives of the research are as follows: 1) To study the level of public participation in administration together with the leadership of the mayor of the case study in Yasothon province. 2) To study the comparison of the participation of the people in the administration together with the leadership of the mayor of the sub-district case study in Yasothon, is there any difference? Classified by gender, educational status and age, is the people living in Yasothon province. And using 310 random sampling methodology for survey research (Yamane, 1973) by using simple random sampling. The research instruments were questionnaires. The statistics used in this research were the statistics used in the research which were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and F-test (ANOVA). One-way analysis of variance

 The study indicated that

                  1) The study of the level of public participation is at a high level With an average of 3.66 (SD .57) and a study of the level of mayor leadership at a high level, with an average of 3.61 (SD .52), respectively. High level

                  2) a comparative study of the level of public participation in administration together with the district mayor leadership; Case study of Yasothon province With different gender, participation in management, and the leadership of the mayor of the sub-district were not different, with the test result t = -.010 and with the statistical significance of .992 with statistical significance. At the level of .05 and the leadership of the subdistrict mayor, with the test result t = - 0.005 and with a statistical significance lower than .05. For people with different educational status and age, it was found that The participation of the 4 sides with the leadership of Mayor District 5 is no different. With statistical significance at the level of 0.05

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How to Cite
sutaKan, P. . (2021). Public participation in the administration of the leadership of the district mayor; Case study of Yasothon province. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 5(2), 31–45. retrieved from
Research Article


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