Administration of Cottage Industry for Integrating AEC

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Asst. Prof. Dr. Chuenaarom Chantimachaiamorn


The objectives of the study of Administration of Cottage Industry for Integrating AEC are to study the administration of cottage industry, the administration strategies of cottage industry, the revolution of the administrative models and innovation and the effect having influence on administration and industrial production system. A target population using in this study, the researcher collected the data from Thai and foreign books, thesis, researches, journals magazines and the suggestion of the knowledgeable people by the journals. The data were analyzed to be qualitative research and this analyzing data and the result of this study was the descriptive research which was relative with the logic.   

          The study results were

  1. The Models and the Strategies of Administration in Cottage Industry. The cottage industry is developed sustainably. It should have administrative models and strategies namely (1) Internationalized Industrial structure and clusters to capture global opportunities, supporting of aggregating to the member of a new industry group, increasing competition in the clusters group and administering efficiently in the clusters group. Developing industrial production and innovation efficiently, solving the problem of the trade, changing the law for trading, solving the condition that reduces the efficiency of product, supporting of attaining seminar and training the people and helping new technology for product and marking. (2) Upgrade and create sustainable entrepreneur. It should increase the number of entrepreneur of SME, inviting the small and medium Thai entrepreneur to improve industrial production, making the strengthening entrepreneur of SME, preparing for participating AEC, exporting of the new production, participating of Asian Economic. (3) Enhance competitive industry platform. It should have the produce standard for making trust on the product from Thai that all products are good quality, supporting of source of investment funds, training the workers of cottage industry, developing the law that is influential on developing the cottage industry and supporting of administration the cottage industry.



  1. Evolution of Administrative Models of Cottage Industry.

          Administrative models and the changing process of the cottage industry in the past starting from some leaders in the village accepts new process of produce and the products from the other village and takes them to test in the community. The leader extends produce system by only one person in the village and then extending to the neighbours and the relative.

  1. The effect on administration and produce system of cottage industry.

           The effect on administration and produce system of cottage industry is the market, product, supporting from the government, investment fund, worker, land, entrepreneur, public utility and the logistics. The other effect on administration and produce system of cottage industry is government policy, quality standard, law, safety, economic community the logistic. 

          This research is the study only administrative models of cottage industry for AEC including models, strategies of administration, evolution of administrative models and changing of produce system to cottage industry and the effect on administration and produce system only so it does not mention to the many theories or processes of administration of the cottage industry. If anybody interests to study more, they should study of theory and strategy of administration of the cottage industry successfully.

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How to Cite
Chantimachaiamorn, C. . (2021). Administration of Cottage Industry for Integrating AEC. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 5(2), 46–58. retrieved from
Research Article


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