The Role of Buddhism on the Online Social Networking “Facebook”

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Wichian Chabutbuntharik


This research article is of 3 objectives namely: 1) to study the role of Buddhism in Thai society on Facebook ; 2) to demonstrate the role of Buddhism in Thai society on Facebook ;  3) To analyze the role Buddhism in Thai society on Facebook.

            From the study, it is found that the Online Social Networking i.e. Facebook, reflects the religious phenomena in all 7 dimensions namely:- (1) Practical and Meditation dimensions, (2) Dhamma and Doctrinal dimensions, (3) Narrative and Mythic dimensions, (4) Religious Experiential dimensions, (5) Moral dimensions, (6) Social and Institutional dimensions, (7) Material and Artistic dimensions. To speak more precisely, All of 7 dimensions are found on the 4 chosen profiles, viz. (1) “PhraPaisalVisalo” which is of individual and public profiles of PhraPaisālVisālo, (2) “พระมหาวุฒิชัยวชิรเมธี” and “ว.วชิรเมธี (W. Vajiramedhi)” which are the public profiles of PhramahāWutthichaiVajiramedhī, (3) “หอจดหมายเหตุพุทธทาสอินทปัญโญ : BuddhadasaIndapañño Archives” which is the public profile of BuddhadāsaIndapañño Archives, (4) “เสถียรธรรมสถานSathiraDhammasathan” which is the public profile of SathiraDhammasathān. While “Tilopa House”, the public profile of Tilopa House by VichakPanich, is the only one profile that Narrative and Mythic dimensions are not found.

            Moreover, the role of Buddhism that are presented in the 7 dimensions of religion that reflect the representation of Buddhism in Thai society on Facebook in 5 kinds of meaning namely: (1) Worldly Buddhism, (2) Pluralistic Buddhism, (3) Value of nature-recognized Buddhism, (4) Lay-person Buddhism and (5) “Stream-counter” Buddhism. This representation is constructed by globalization and the rapid growth of new media i.e. Facebook. These conditions force Buddhism to change its “place” significantly in the present day.


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How to Cite
Chabutbuntharik, W. (2020). The Role of Buddhism on the Online Social Networking “Facebook”. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 4(1), 21–34. retrieved from
Research Article


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