A Critical Study of Solutions to the Narcotic Problem According to Buddhadhamma

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Phrapalad Chaiya Komalo (Kaewmafai)


           The objectives of the research article were: 1 ) to study the solution to narcotic problems, 2 ) to study the principle of Dhamma to solve narcotic problem, and 3) to analyze the solution to the problem of narcotic in Buddhism. The data were mainly collected from the Tipitaka, books, magazines, documents, commentaries and related research works.

The results of the research were found that: The process of protection and solution of the narcotics problems consisted of the discussion process, the data reflection, performance plans, tasks procedures, functional units’ in the affected areas and the follow-up process.

The principle of Dhamma applied by community into protecting and solving narcotic problem consisted of : 1) the Four Noble Truth it includes problem situation and the analysis of the causes of problem, investigate into the solving method, and leads to the implementation as well as the evaluation for the development, 2) Principle of Conditions of Welfare expressed by social functioning system as corporate community in gaining pleasure through ways of thinking, acting and taking process for their assignments, 3) principle of the unity expressed by incorporated organization, reconciliation scheme, friendly distribution and merciful practices, 4) the principle of three major benefits which is the expression of ideals about Sufficiency Economy and consisted of benefits obtainable here in this lite leading to proper ways of life, and proper earning and saving for their own property and the benefits of the next life-birth phase hereafter; future benefit which is the proper practice according to the principle of morality and beliefs in the rules of actions (Karma) and the highest good which is life sustainability of peace with personal wisdom along with capable mindfulness against misery caused by greed, wrath and delusion, and 5) the principle of the Threefold Learning which is expressed by precepts, concentration and wisdom.

The solution to the problem of narcotic addiction based on Buddhist principles is that the Buddhist principles can solve the problem of narcotics actually is that when we bring them to practice, we will have knowledge. Be conscious know what should not be useful and not a benefit. The problem of people in society have social conscience united forces create a social learning process together. Have confidence in the power of the community, cultural restoration and the peace of society.

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How to Cite
Kaewmafai, P. C. . (2020). A Critical Study of Solutions to the Narcotic Problem According to Buddhadhamma. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 3(2), 54–63. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/saketreview/article/view/248206
Research Article


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