Buddha-Dhamma: The Essence of Consciousness in Environmental

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Wittaya Saengjuntasith


This article focuses on the way of government and politician to developed country into the wrong way, that is may call “Miccha Development: wrong Developmment”. Because we not have enough a good government and politician. Therefore as they developed country as many problems occurs and chaos, this situation is “Political Pollution”, which leading to the other pollution or other environmental and natural resources degradation, such as  the problem of  land and forest,  the problem of  water and dam,  and  the  problem of pollution and industry, etc.

Now, we are in a period which Buddhism would define as “sila pata pramaj” or the attachment to wrongful thoughts and actions. Then we must understand that the environmental problems outlined above are caused by humans and must be solved by them.

The concern for the environmental preservation and restoration to be a “green world”, the Buddhology can encompass or lead to the re-evaluation of many different disciplines-religion, philosophy, science, economic, law, politics, etc. for improved mankind and radically new manner of thinking, to be a green citizen, green politician, green government (good governance) are therefore powerful agents for sustainable development, such methodology is call “Samma Development: Right Development”.

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How to Cite
Saengjuntasith, W. (2020). Buddha-Dhamma: The Essence of Consciousness in Environmental. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 3(2), 31–39. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/saketreview/article/view/248198
Academic Article


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