A Study of the Causative Factors Influencing the Success of Community Marketing for Thai Tourism in the Digital Age

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Teekapoen TawekitKueakun
ฺBenjawan Leecharoen
Suriwipa Chaiyapan


This paper aims to conduct a literature review of the factors influencing community marketing achievement in Thailand, with a focus on enhancing the success of community tourism in the digital era. The findings reveal that causal factors influencing community marketing achievement consist of tourism image, tourism technology, tourist behaviors, and marketing mix from the perspectives of tourists. These factors contribute to four components of marketing success: satisfaction, word of mouth, repeat travel, and tourism quality awareness. The researcher proposes a causal factor model that affects the effectiveness of Thai tourist communities' marketing by leveraging the marketing mix as an intermediate variable between causal factors and marketing achievement. The marketing mix emerges as a significant approach that offers advantages. Satisfaction and responsiveness to tourist demands are expected to bolster the growth of the country's community markets.

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How to Cite
TawekitKueakun, T., Leecharoen ฺ., & Chaiyapan, S. (2024). A Study of the Causative Factors Influencing the Success of Community Marketing for Thai Tourism in the Digital Age. Journal of Rattana Bundit University, 19(1), 1–16. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rbac/article/view/265793
Academic Article


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