Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the World Health Organization's Quality of Life Measurement Model for the Elderly (WHOQOL-OLD): A Case Study of the Elderly Club’s Members in Bangkok

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Jirapat Lekhakula
Chalermkiart Feongkeaw


The purpose of this research was to examine the confirmatory factors of the Quality of Life Measurement Model for the Elderly of the World Health Organization with empirical data. The data were gathered from 815 senior people who were members of the elderly club in Bangkok and were chosen using a multi-stage selection process. The World Health Organization's Quality of Life of the Elderly Questionnaire was utilized to get the data. The quality of life assessment questionnaire for the elderly, created by the World Health Organization, was found via data analysis using the confirmatory factor analysis model approach. The research findings indicated that each of the six components of the World Health Organization's quality of life evaluation for the elderly was congruent with empirical data. Past, present and future activities component values are at the highest level, then followed by social participation, intimacy, autonomy, sensory abilities and death and dying.

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How to Cite
Lekhakula, J., & Feongkeaw, C. (2023). Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the World Health Organization’s Quality of Life Measurement Model for the Elderly (WHOQOL-OLD):: A Case Study of the Elderly Club’s Members in Bangkok. Journal of Rattana Bundit University, 18(1), 51–69. retrieved from
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