Antecedent Factors Affecting Customer’s Loyalty of Electronic Commerce Startups in Thailand
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the level of performance of logistics activities. Customer relationship management, corporate image, and loyalty of Thai e-commerce startups. In addition, this study developed a causal relationship model of factors influencing customer loyalty and checked its consistency with empirical data. This study is mixed research with a sample group of 400 customers who have purchased goods and services through e-commerce startups. Frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, and Pearson's correlation coefficient are the statistics used to analyze data and influence path efficacy. The quantitative results suggested that customer relationship management influenced customer loyalty to e-commerce startups in Thailand. The performance of logistics activities and the corporate image. The model of causal relationships between factors influencing customer loyalty varied by 70%, and the model developed was consistent with the empirical data. The qualitative findings supported the quantitative findings. Customer loyalty comprises four components: regular repeat purchases, referring products and services to others, aversion to purchasing competitors' products and services, and cross-purchasing products and services. In addition, two new factors were discovered: product and service confidence and customer satisfaction with products and services.
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