Organizational Development Factors According to Government Management Criteria and Performance of District Offices in Bangkok Case Study Bangkapi District Office

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Kanok Pengjinda
Achara Lortrakul


The purposes of this article were to study 1) the levels of organizational development factors in public administration and operational efficiency of Bangkapi District Office, and 2) the organizational development factors in accordance with public administration affecting efficiency in operations of Bangkapi District Office. The study was conducted by using quantitative research. The population was comprised of personnel of Bangkapi District Office. The amount of sample gained by stratified sampling was 111. The research instrument was questionnaires. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics including percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics, multiple correlation analysis and applying principles of stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results revealed that 1) organizational developments in accordance with public administration for the skills aspect had the highest mean and management behavior had the lowest mean, efficiency in operations for the work quality revealed the highest mean, and the expenses had the lowest mean, and 2) organizational development factors in accordance with the criteria of public administration positively affected the efficiency in operations of Bangkapi District Office, which is used to create a framework for development to achieve excellence, including share value, skills and working system.

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How to Cite
Pengjinda, K., & Lortrakul, A. (2023). Organizational Development Factors According to Government Management Criteria and Performance of District Offices in Bangkok: Case Study Bangkapi District Office. Journal of Rattana Bundit University, 18(1), 33–50. retrieved from
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