Factor Analysis of Teachers’ Scientific Minds of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Prachinburi Nakhon Nayok
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The scientific mind of the teachers is an essential feature in developing a rational, critical mindset in the students, leading to the ability to solve problems in unexpected situations and promote long-term student development. Consequently, this research aimed to examine the factor analysis study of teachers' scientific minds at the Secondary Educational Service Area Office in Prachinburi, Nakhon Nayok. The sample group for this study comprised 316 administrators and teachers from the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Prachinburi Nakhon Nayok, who were chosen using stratified random sampling. The research instrument used to collect data was a five-rating Likert scale questionnaire with a reliability of.97. Confirmatory Factor Analysis was employed to examine the data (CFA). According to the results of the study, teachers' scientific minds at the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Prachinburi Nakhon Nayok included six components, which were weighted as follows: 1) Curiosity, 2) prudence, 3) rationality, 4) persistence, 5) honesty and 6) open-mindedness. The model is an excellent fit for the empirical data at the statistical significance level of .01.
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