Working Efficiency in a New Normal Period of Residents in Bangkok and Vicinity

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Suriwipa Chaiyapan
Thaunjai Sangthong


The objectives of this study were to 1) examine the efficiency of personnel for working in a new lifestyle era, 2) explore the factors of work motivation that affected the efficiency of employees for working in the new lifestyle era, and 3) determine whether there is a correlation between the factors of work motivation and the effectiveness of personnel for working in the new lifestyle era of people in the Bangkok area and realm. A quantitative survey was employed to conduct this study. The study’s instrument was a set of questionnaires designed for 400 participants. The statistics applied in data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The study found that job motivation in the new lifestyle era was high in both the general and individual aspects. Work progress, personal, and working environment factors were all at a high level, along with organizational engagement factors, which were at the highest level. In addition, the degree of employee efficiency for working in the Bangkok region and realm's new era of people's lifestyles was also at the highest level. The results of the hypothesis testing revealed that work motivation had a very high level of positive correlation with employee efficiency for working in the new lifestyle era of people in the Bangkok area and realm. As a result, it can predict an increase in employee efficiency for working in this new lifestyle era of people in the Bangkok area and realm at a 98.0 percent, statistical significance level of < 0.01.

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How to Cite
Chaiyapan , S., & Sangthong, T. (2022). Working Efficiency in a New Normal Period of Residents in Bangkok and Vicinity. Journal of Rattana Bundit University, 17(1), 26–43. retrieved from
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