Antecedent Variables on Customers’ Loyalty of E-Commerce Startup Business and Business Model in Thailand

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Wasawat Mookarasakul
Nantaporn Chalaechorn
Graduate School, Rattana Bandit University


This article intended to present the antecedent variables on customers' loyalty to the e-commerce startup business since the e-commerce startup is a popular business model for new generation entrepreneurs. The concept of customer loyalty is recognized as a critical factor in the success of any business. Accordingly, building customer loyalty is an essential strategy for business success. The literature review suggested that critical factors affecting customers' loyalty to e-commerce startup businesses include logistics management, customer relationship management, and corporate image. As a result, this study benefits entrepreneurs and those involved in developing successful customer loyalty strategies for the long-term success of Thai e-commerce startups

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How to Cite
Mookarasakul, W., Chalaechorn, N., & Sangthong, T. (2021). Antecedent Variables on Customers’ Loyalty of E-Commerce Startup Business and Business Model in Thailand. Journal of Rattana Bundit University, 16(2), 105–124. retrieved from
Academic Article


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