Adaptation of the First Year Students of Bachelor Degree Level In Chitralada Technology Institute

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Thanet Maenin


The objectives of this research were to study the adaptation of Chitralada Technology Institute’s first-year undergraduate students and compare it with their personal factors. The target group consists of 121 first-year undergraduate students of the academic year 2020. The mixed methods research methodology was applied to this study. As for the quantitative method, whose quality was evaluated by the experts, obtained 0.88 of Index of Item Objective Congruence, obtained 0.90 of confidence value. The data was analyzed using means, percentage, standard deviation, and one-way ANOVA. As for qualitative research, individual interviews were conducted. The results gained from the questionnaire show adaptation at an average level in academic and social adaptations and a high level in emotional adaptation. The comparison with students’ personal factors indicates that students from different faculties show different academic and emotional adaptations. In contrast, students with different academic backgrounds show different academic and social adaptations. However, sex, birthplace, residence, and means of subsistence show no difference in terms of adaptation. In addition, the results from the interviews show that the students have made adaptations in everyday life, academic, emotional, and social aspects to attain their learning achievement successfully.

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How to Cite
Maenin, T. (2021). Adaptation of the First Year Students of Bachelor Degree Level In Chitralada Technology Institute. Journal of Rattana Bundit University, 16(2), 74–90. retrieved from
Research Article


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