Integration of sufficiency economy and pro poor tourism for sustainable tourism development

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Jirapat Lekhakula
Chalermkiart Feongkaew
Athip Jansuri


A poverty is the top issue around the world, and poverty alleviation is usually included in the country’s sustainable development goals as priority. In order to achieve this goal, tourism is currently becoming the main issue to discuss because it is a potential tool to generate growth in aggregate revenues of a country, which consequently distributed to the poor. This article does emphasis on the integration of new theory of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP) and Pro-Poor Tourism (PPT) to improve people’s quality of life in the tourist attractions and have better livelihood by efficiently utilizing their land and water resources. This could lead to an understanding of community-based tourism management as well as the engagement and cooperation of its people to develop the tourism attraction to reach its maximum capacity. Each community has their own capability for self-reliance, which is in line with the vision of Thailand’s 20-year National Strategy, aiming the country to be stable, prosperous and sustainable as a developed country.

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How to Cite
Lekhakula, J., Feongkaew, C., & Jansuri, A. (2020). Integration of sufficiency economy and pro poor tourism for sustainable tourism development. Journal of Rattana Bundit University, 15(2), 183–193. retrieved from
Academic Article


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